How Will You Vote?
How will you vote this time?
I am writing this today so that you, the church, will know
just how evil this man is. This is not my opinion, these
are statements of fact and I hope to shed some light on some
the most important things you as a Christian should know
about. This writing is only one of many issues that we need
to be educated about, it is for everyone, including
Ministers and Church Elders, the Pastors and Preachers of
this country who need a little back-bone; and it matters not
the color of skin you wear.
It should be known that Barrack Obama,
in no way, is a Godly man, nor does he respect God’s Word.
If you don’t already know this, you will soon find out.
From the first day he arrived to occupy the White House, he
declared his intent to promote homosexuality. This is an
absolute slap in the face toward God. This is against
families, against the church, against our (children) next
generation who will not know any better, and it is totally
against God and what He has ordained.
The staff of the Obama administration is loaded with this
perversion. (see link) You need to understand, President Obama’s base
of supporters are not the best possible citizens of America and
that this depth of perversion destroys the fiber of any
nation or people.
Our God has absolutely declared
judgment on anyone in society that does not weep and cry
over this perversion. We cannot have God’s favor when we
accept such evil against His Name and Truth.
When you evaluate this moral degradation to the sanctity of
marriage you have laid the foundation for total ruin. This
moral failure attacks the Creator, blasphemes society and
the beauty of a married couple and their family. And let me
tell you; there is a war coming straight out of the liberal
political world to cram this moral failure into every public
school, every student, into the Church and into your home.
Do not be deceived, this president has set the course of
action in this very direction by appointing many homosexual
and lesbian leaders into positions of authority. If he is
allowed to continue, it will absolutely affect your children
and their children, and eventually destroy this country.
How long do you think God will tolerate such obstinacy
toward His Word.
You need to know that to date, the Obama-Biden
Administration has appointed more than 250 openly Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, Transgender professionals to full-time and
advisory positions in the executive branch; more than
all known LGBT appointments of other presidential
administrations combined. These are the ones who are
running your country and it will soon have its detrimental
effects if we don’t stand up.
See the executive
positions. This should sicken your stomach and all by
way of appointment by this current so-called leader of this
United States of America.
President Obama proclaimed June of this year, 2012,
“Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month”. They
had a big celebration in the White House. Shortly after the
party with Obama, pictures began to appear on the internet.
The proud Homosexuals had taken photos of themselves under
President Reagan’s White House picture making obscene
gestures to the deceased President.
Don’t take my word for it, let’s see what scripture has to
say – The Apostle Paul left no doubt that the homosexual
life is vile. Scripture here is from the book of Romans
1:22-27, NKJV.
22 Professing to be
wise, they became fools,
23 and changed the glory of the incorruptible God
into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and
four-footed animals and creeping things.
24 Therefore God
also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their
hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
25 who exchanged the
truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the
creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever.
26 For this reason
God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women
exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
27 Likewise also the
men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their
lust for one another, men with men committing what is
shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their
error which was due. This is only a portion of the
scriptures that deal with this line of thinking and this
type of living.
Listen folks, will you tolerate the
opposite of God’s Word and chance to answer in Judgment?
Don’t be ignorant of the enemy’s
devices…don’t make a foolish statement such as this: God
will have in the White House who He wants to be there. That
is a lie planted by the devil himself. Understand this;
everyone has a free will to do with as they please. And if
the demoralized people of this country decide to vote or
even the moral sector of this country decide to vote for
such perverted people to be leaders; God will not stand in
your way. You make the choice; God’s choice has been made,
He is very plain through His Word. You either listen to Him
or you listen to the enemy of your soul and be deceived. So
understand that statement is false, God will not step in
over and above your free-will.
As an Ambassador of God, it is my duty
to make you aware of such things. You need to educate
yourself in God’s Word, you need to be in church to hear His
Word, it will build your faith. Recognize God’s very
essence is love, and He sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for
our sins. He wants the very best for you, for your family,
but if you don’t know what His will is for your life, then
you become an easy target for the enemy of your soul to take
you and your family down. This is exactly what is going on
in this nation today. Just look around at where we are
now. Remember, you have a free-will to do with what you
please. Will you stand up for what is right according to
God’s Word? How will you vote this time around? Will you
allow this man to spit in the face of God?
Hear me people, the enemy is not out to
lose; he will deceive you in every possible way, at every
corner in life if he is able. The enemy is not after the
ones he already has and he hates God. Remember that
this country was founded only on God’s Word, and he, satan,
has been out to destroy that little by little until there is
no way back. We have the opportunity and an obligation to
stand up and do what is right according to God. You might
say, “But the other guy is Mormon.” I say to you in that
respect, “at least he acknowledges God, at least he has
morals, and that is a good start; much better than what
we’ve seen.”
Now, it is true that sometimes the truth hurts; but you can not
argue with God. So you can hate me or you can love me, but
one thing is certain; I will preach the Word and give you
the truth. If you want to be in disagreement with what I
have shown you, that is ok; but you need to chew on the
information and sort it out in your mind. Just ask
yourself this
question…is Obama right, or is God right? That will help
you manage your thinking and help you make up your mind.
What was the last thing written about Sodom & Gamorrah
before it was destroyed? They wanted Lot's visitors brought
out to them so they could have their way with them. They
were immoral, they refused God, they wanted what they
wanted. Is America any different?
The Office of the President of the United States represents
what our country is & what it stands for... yes our country
was built on freedom/liberty, but it was founded on the
freedom found through God & the morals found in His Word.