Tract Ministry
Look What The Lord Has Done


Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.

I am very pleased to tell about our tract ministry which is headed up by Miss Sandy.  She sees that the stock is kept, and has a very nice assortment of tracts in a rack for those who want to take part in this ministry.  These tracts reach many people from every walk of life.  Christ said, go ye into all the world and make disciples and this is just another tool we provide for you to use to reach others and to impact "your" world.  There are also times when you can share these in order to communicate your own personal testimony to someone who desperately needs Jesus.

Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth. It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. � �
When you give these tracts, you encourage the reader to fall into the arms of a loving God. � �
�Nothing surpasses a tract for sowing the seed of�the Good News.� �Billy Graham �
A touching gospel tract may be the seed of eternal life. Therefore, do not go out without your tracts. Let each one of us, if we have done nothing for Christ,�begin to do something now. The distribution of tracts is the first thing.��� �Charles Spurgeon �
�The smallest tract may be the stone in David�s sling. In the hands of Christ it may bring down a giant�s soul.� �Robert Murray M�Cheyne� �
Did you know that George Whitefield, a preacher of the Great Awakening, was saved by a Gospel tract? After reading it he wrote, �God showed me I must be born again or be damned.�
The great missionary to China, Hudson Taylor, was also saved by reading a tract.
God even used a Gospel tract as the tool that led Greg Koukl, founder of�Stand to Reason, to Christ. He has stated that �some brave soul� put it in the bottom of his grocery bag while checking out. �
Tracts give God�s point of view about life and death issues. Tracts get their point across in an easy-to-read, brief format suited for a generation raised on sound-bites, e-mails, and texting.
Tracts may contain the only portion of God�s Word some people have ever read.
Tracts get their message across when no conversation is possible�in a letter, with a bill payment, or when you have only seconds with another person.
Tracts provide a point of reference for the reader to find spiritual help by contacting the church, individual, or website listed on the back

Living Waters 
Community Focused - Christ Centered - Bible Based

We are located just off of Bedford Road on the corner of Hubbard-Thomas and Stewart-Sharon. Just seconds from Routes 62, 82, 7 and I80, in (Brookfield Township) Hubbard, Ohio. Our phone is on 24/7 and you may contact Living Waters Community Church at anytime:

Mailing Address:

Living Waters
7382 Stewart-Sharon Rd.
Hubbard, OH. 44425


Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.
Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.




 Romans 6:14 - For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
This site maintained by Living Waters Community Church