Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.






Look What The Lord Has Done

  News Stories:

Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.

I have never seen such controversy in America-from a birth certificate to the things listed below.  All I can say is, "decide for yourself."

Dishonorable discharge for preaching the gospel?

Secret Orders

Why do IRS agents need assault weapons

Class Action Law Suit

We can see how the very end is shaping right before our eyes

Here is a short video - coming changes


I want to say to those who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior: Please consider the God of the Bible, His Word and what is about to happen.  There have been many studies and as time goes by you can find that even science is now lining up with God.  You need to know that what the Bible states is true and the prophecies of the end times of the Bible are also as true.  This information is readily available and can be found, but you will need to find this out on your own to settle your heart.  Won't you consider Jesus today?

Earthquakes are now happening 6-10 times more than even 10 years ago in diverse places, places they would normally not.  Even the temps of planets are up a slight bit.  2007 was the weirdest year ever for weather.  Can you discern the times?  Studies say natural disasters have quadrupled in the last 20 years.  We as a planet are experiencing about 500 natural disasters per year, the normal for the last 100 years was only 120 per year.  There are things still to come, yet scripture tells us these are signs.  So when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.  Science is now saying it all makes sense and lines up with Scripture.  How much more does God have to do before people wake up?  Keep your eyes peeled during the next 12 months.  Don't be in denial, there is even evidence from 705 BC shown by NASA, Quantum Physicists, and recorded by the 15 major civilizations on earth at that time, that the sun did in fact move backwards as told in God's Word in King Hezekiah's day.  Assyrians, Chaldians, Egyptians, Hebrews, Persians, Greeks, Phenicians, Chinese, Myans, Hindas, and others.  After that date the earth turned on it's axis and the calendar was readjusted.  Don't be in denial - the signs are being shown to us, the time is here, today is the day of salvation....won't you consider Jesus?


Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.
Living Waters is a non-denominational ministry/church.

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 Romans 6:14 - For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
This site maintained by Gary Jones Ministries