Living Waters Community Church Welcomes You

This ministry was birthed out of love and concern for a people who care for one another, who stand alongside each other, a people who hunger for the truth, and a people who want others to know that God loves and cares and gave His only begotten Son Jesus the Christ.  This Jesus willingly came to live and die for each of us so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. 

Living Waters is non-denominational with a basis on the truth, which is the Word of God, our unshakable foundation.  We don't pretend to be something we are not, but we do strive to reach the mark.  We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, but we also know that God wants no one to perish and He is faithful and just to forgive; if one would just accept Him and ask.

We don't pretend to have all the answers and we make no apologies for that.   We will love you and give you a place to heal and grow.  Our goal is  to teach you how to live a victorious life; to train you how to represent Jesus by demonstrating God's love. 

If you are sick and tired of  “religion,” feeling that "Christians" are always judging you, or leaving Church wondering how to apply what you just heard, I believe you will find Living Waters to be the right place for you. We have seen many miracles in our midst, many people have been healed, and saved.  So If you are tired of the same old, same old (as they say); then you owe it to yourself to come to church.  It does make a difference in what church you attend. 

Remember, it is important to choose a church that is right for you, a church and church family that will help you learn and grow in the Word.  A family who will help you in your walk and hold you up before God in prayer.  A family who will love and care for you; and that is what this ministry is all about.  Won't you come? 



7382 Stewart Sharon Road (Brookfield Township) Hubbard OH.  44425